qsymm.model module

class qsymm.model.BlochCoeff[source]

Bases: tuple

Container for Bloch coefficient in BlochModel, in the form of (hop, coeff), equivalent to coeff * exp(I * hop.dot(k)).

tosympy(momenta, nsimplify=False)[source]
class qsymm.model.BlochModel(hamiltonian=None, locals=None, momenta=('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z'), keep=None, shape=None, format=None)[source]

Bases: qsymm.model.Model

A Model where coefficients are periodic functions of momenta.

Internally it is a sum(BlochCoeff * value), where BlochCoeff is a symbolic representation of coefficients and a periodic function of k. value can be scalar, array (both dense and sparse) or LinearOperator. This is accessible as a dict {BlochCoeff: value}.

  • hamiltonian (Model, str, SymPy expression, dict or None (default)) – Symbolic representation of a Hamiltonian. If a string, it is converted to a SymPy expression using kwant_continuum.sympify. If a dict is provided, it should have the form {symbol: array} with all arrays the same size (dense or sparse). If symbol is not a BlochCoeff, it is passed through sympy.sympify, and should consist purely of a product of symbolic coefficients, no constant factors other than 1. symbol is then converted to BlochCoeff. None initializes a zero BlochModel.

  • locals (dict or None (default)) – Additional namespace entries for sympify. May be used to simplify input of matrices or modify input before proceeding further. For example: locals={'k': 'k_x + I * k_y'} or locals={'sigma_plus': [[0, 2], [0, 0]]}.

  • momenta (iterable of strings or Sympy symbols) – Names of momentum variables, default ('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z') or corresponding sympy symbols. Momenta are treated the same as other keys for the purpose of keep. Ignored when initialized with Model.

  • keep (iterable of BlochCoeff (optional)) – Set of symbolic coefficients that are kept, anything that does not appear here is discarded. Useful for perturbative calculations where only terms to a given order are needed. By default all keys are kept. Ignored when initialized with Model.

  • shape (tuple or None (default)) – Shape of the Model, must match the shape of all the values. If not provided, it is automatically found based on the shape of the input. Must be provided is hamiltonian is None or {}. Empty tuple corresponds to scalar values. Ignored when initialized with Model.

  • format (class or None (default)) – Type of the values in the model. Supported types are np.complex128, np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix and scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator. If hamiltonian is provided as a dict, all values must be of this type, except for scalar values, which are recast to np.complex128. If format is not provided, it is inferred from the type of the values. If hamiltonian is not a dictionary, format is ignored and set to np.ndarray or hamiltonian.format if it is a Model.


Complex conjugation.


Rotate momenta with rotation matrix R.

subs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Substitute symbolic expressions. See Model.subs.


Convert to Model.


Return sympy representation of the Model. If nsimplify=True, attempt to rewrite numerical coefficients as exact formulas.


Transform keys by applying func to all of them. Useful for symbolic substitutions, differentiation, etc.

class qsymm.model.Model(hamiltonian=None, locals=None, momenta=('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z'), keep=None, symbol_normalizer=None, normalize=False, shape=None, format=None)[source]

Bases: collections.UserDict

Symbolic matrix-valued function that depends on momenta and other parameters.

Implements the algebra of matrix valued functions. Implements many sympy and numpy methods and overrides arithmetic operators. Internally it represents sum(symbol * value), where symbol is a symbolic expression, and value can be scalar, array (both dense and sparse) or LinearOperator. This is accessible as a dict {symbol: value}.

  • hamiltonian (str, SymPy expression, dict or None (default)) – Symbolic representation of a Hamiltonian. If a string, it is first converted to a SymPy expression using kwant_continuum.sympify. If a dict is provided, it should have the form {symbol: array} with all arrays the same size (dense or sparse). symbol by default is passed through sympy.sympify, and should consist purely of a product of symbolic coefficients, no constant factors other than 1, except if normalize=True. None initializes a zero Model.

  • locals (dict or None (default)) – Additional namespace entries for sympify. May be used to simplify input of matrices or modify input before proceeding further. For example: locals={'k': 'k_x + I * k_y'} or locals={'sigma_plus': [[0, 2], [0, 0]]}.

  • keep (iterable of expressions (optional)) – Set of symbolic coefficients that are kept, anything that does not appear here is discarded. Useful for perturbative calculations where only terms to a given order are needed. By default all keys are kept.

  • momenta (iterable of strings or Sympy symbols) – Names of momentum variables, default ('k_x', 'k_y', 'k_z') or corresponding sympy symbols. Momenta are treated the same as other keys for the purpose of keep.

  • symbol_normalizer (callable (optional)) – Function applied to symbols when initializing the internal dict. By default the keys are passed through sympy.sympify and sympy.expand_power_exp. Keys when accessing a term and keys in keep are also passed through symbol_normalizer.

  • normalize (bool, default False) – Whether to clean input dict by splitting summands in symbols, moving numerical factors in the symbols to values, removing entries with values allclose to zero. Ignored if hamiltonian is not a dict.

  • shape (tuple or None (default)) – Shape of the Model, must match the shape of all the values. If not provided, it is automatically found based on the shape of the input. Must be provided if hamiltonian is None or {}. Empty tuple corresponds to scalar values.

  • format (class or None (default)) – Type of the values in the model. Supported types are np.complex128, scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator, np.ndarray, and subclasses of scipy.sparse.spmatrix . If hamiltonian is provided as a dict, all values must be of this type, except for scalar values, which are recast to np.complex128. If format is not provided, it is inferred from the type of the values. Must be provided if hamiltonian is None or {}. If hamiltonian is not a dictionary, format is ignored an set to np.ndarray.


Sympy symbols are immutable and references to the same symbols is stored in different Models. Be warned that setting any assumptions for symbols (such as real) will result in an identically named, but different symbol, and these are not handled properly. Model assumes that all sympy symbols are real without any assumptions explicitly set.



allclose(other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False)[source]

Test whether two Models are approximately equal


Return Model with matrices rounded to given number of decimals.


Complex conjugation


Return a copy.

eliminate_zeros(rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)[source]

Return a model with small terms removed. Tolerances are in Frobenius matrix norm, relative tolerance compares to the value with largest norm.


Evaluate using parameter values in subs.

lambdify(nsimplify=False, *, onsite=False, hopping=False)[source]

Return a callable object for the model, with sympy symbols as parameters.

  • nsimplify (bool, default False) – Whether or not to attempt to rewrite numerical coefficients as exact symbols in sympification.

  • onsite (bool, default False) – If True, adds ‘site’ as the first argument to the callable object. Helpful for passing Model objects to kwant Builder objects as onsite functions.

  • hopping (bool, default False) – If True, adds ‘site1’ and ‘site2’ as the first two arguments to the callable object. Helpful for passing Model objects to kwant Builder objects as hopping functions.

  • Notes

  • and hopping are mutually exclusive. If both are set to True, (onsite) –

  • error is thrown. (an) –

reshape(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reshape, see numpy.reshape.


Rotate momenta with rotation matrix R.

subs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Substitute symbolic expressions. See documentation of sympy.Expr.subs() for details.

Allows for the replacement of momenta in the Model object. Replacing a momentum k with a sympy.Symbol object p replaces the momentum k with p in the Model. Replacing a momentum k with a number removes the momentum k from the Model momenta. Replacing a momentum k with a sympy expression that does not contain any of the Model.momenta also removes the momentum k from the momenta.


Convert to dense numpy ndarray format.


Convert to sparse csr format.


Return sympy representation of the Model. If nsimplify=True, attempt to rewrite numerical coefficients as exact formulas.


Take trace of the matrix and return a scalar valued Model.


Transform keys by applying func to all of them. Useful for symbolic substitutions, differentiation, etc.


Return a list of the matrix coefficients corresponding to the keys in key_list.


Return an empty model object that inherits the other properties


Substitute trignometric functions with exp.

sin(X) -> (e^(I * X) - e^(-I * X)) / (2 * I) cos(X) -> (e^(I * X) + e^(-I * X)) / 2 exp(X) -> e^X